Kraemer, Harry.

The Values-Based Leader [videorecording] / Harry Kraemer. - Mill Valley, CA : Kantola Productions LLC, 2011. - 1 x DVD ; 57 mins. - Stanford executive briefings (Unnumbered) .

The four essential principles of values-based leadership. •How to identify your core values and what matters most to you. •Focus on doing the right thing rather than being right all the time.

After a twenty-five-year career with multi-billion-dollar Baxter International, including serving as chairman and CEO, Harry Kraemer shares, in this candid and entertaining discussion, practical advice on how to lead while staying true to your moral compass. Values-based leadership is possible for anyone to achieve, at any point in a career, by adhering to four guiding principles of behavior. The first principle, ongoing self-reflection, helps you identify your core values and goals and what you truly stand for. The second, balance, is the ability to see more than one side to a story, giving you insight into the issues and tradeoffs and how you’ll make decisions. The third, true self-confidence, is accepting your strengths and weaknesses, knowing you can improve. And the fourth, genuine humility, stems from never forgetting where you came from and keeping your leadership role in perspective.

Personal growth.