Halpern, Nigel

Airport marketing / Nigel Halpern and Anne Graham - London : Routledge, c2013. - xvii, 225 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Introduction -- The airport marketing environment -- The market for airport services -- Airport marketing research -- Airport marketing planning -- The airport product -- Airport pricing -- Promotion of airports -- Airport distribution.

In recent years, the airport sector has moved from an industry characterised by public sector ownership and national requirements, into a new era of airport management which is beginning to be dominated by the private sector and international players. Airports are now complex enterprises that require a wide range of business competencies and skills to meet the needs of their users, just as with any other industry. Moreover, deregulation of air transport markets has made the airport sector much more competitive and given airports greater incentives to develop innovative, proactive and aggressive marketing strategies so that they can reap the benefits from these developments. New types of airline business model, such as low cost carriers, have emerged through deregulation, which in many cases require a completely different approach to be adopted by airport marketers and have encouraged a further deviation from past practice. The travelling public is also becoming more experienced and is generally placing greater demands on the airport operator to deliver a quality product at a time when more stringent controls, especially as regards security, have been introduced.



Airports--Economic aspects
Aeronautics, Commercial--Economic aspects
