Gregory, Dan

Selfish, scared and stupid : stop fighting human nature and increase your performance, engagement and influence Dan Gregory & Kieran Flanagan - Hoboken : Wiley, c2014. - xxi, 195 p. ; 22 cm.

SELFISH, SCARED & STUPID; CONTENTS; ABOUT THE AUTHORS; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; INTRODUCTION; Who we are and how we came to write this book; What really drives human behaviour?; Who this book is for; PART I We are all selfish, scared and stupid; Chapter 1 A matter of survival; Selflessness is a recipe for extinction; Selfish is hard to resist; Fearlessness leads to extinction; Fear: one of the most motivating emotions we possess; Complication and complexity lead to extinction; Don't fight your nature: work with it; Chapter 2 The Happy Delusion; What is The Happy Delusion? How does this delusion form?The qualities of the mythical hero; But it is a delusion and delusions cost us; Stress and fear are bad; We should focus only on the positives; Heroes are successful by good deeds alone; We operate rationally and morally; It will all work out in the end; The most important good is looking good; Ignore your critics and detractors; The universe is conspiring to help you; Human beings are amazing; Delusion beats reality; Chapter 3 Why failure happens; The truth is, we set ourselves up for failure; Discipline is hard work; Human irrationality; Beliefs are hard to shift Our brains are over-confidentLaboratory conditions don't exist; We over-focus on results; Failure is an error in design; Part II Think selfish; Chapter 4 Tell me WIIFM; Selfishness can be a force for good; Build identity congruence; Create values alignment; Demonstrate a connection to broader goals; Show them what's in it for their communities; Offset the cost; Demonstrate that your issue is my issue; The environmental movement; Gender equality; The real question is, 'What's in it for them?'; Chapter 5 Offer a reward; On carrots and sticks; Wielding the carrot; Carrots for conformity The psychology of rewardsThe importance of acknowledgement; Why do we fail to acknowledge?; Rewards must be valuable in context; The greatest rewards are unexpected; The difference between 'more' and 'better'; When rewards stop working; Chapter 6 Make it enjoyable; It's not just girls who want to have fun; Make it a game; The yawning chasm between pleasure and pain; The 'no pain no gain' myth; Eat the chocolate frog; Focus on the boring bits; Why so serious?; Part III Think scared; Chapter 7 Flip the fear; Fear drives change; Some fears cost us; The fear of change; The fear of making mistakes The fear of differenceThe fear of being out of control; Learn to see fear as a lever for positive change; Define and contain fear; Instil appropriate fear; Rebalance the fear; Chapter 8 Link it to the known; Familiarity is just so familiar; Something like an analogy; Link it to the past; The language of change; Perception is everything; Chapter 9 Show them they're not alone; We are a social species; Social media exists for a reason; There is safety in numbers; The desire to be 'normal'; Help us 'fit in'; Connect us to each other; Connect us to something bigger than ourselves; Watch our six.

Appealing to humans'' basic instincts to increase influence, buy-in and results Survival of the species comes down to three basic instincts, say behavioral research strategists Dan Gregory and Kieran Flanagan-fear, self-interest and simplicity. These basic human behaviours come into play in all types of relationships, including those between businesses and customers. Selfish, Scared and Stupid: Stop fighting human nature and increase your performance, engagement and influence, demystifies these behaviors and examines the psychology behind why even the best ideas sometimes fail.


Human behavior
Philosophical anthropology
Conduct of life
Social interaction