Weiss, Jeff

HBR guide to negotiating / Harvard Business Review guide to negotiating Take the lead manage conflict get to yes Jeff Weiss - Boston : Harvard Business Review Press, c2016. - xvii, 177 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. - Harvard business review guides .

The seven elements tool : carefully define your measure of success --
Question your assumptions about the negotiation : develop new, more empowering expectations --
Prepare the substance : understand interests, brainstorm options, research standards, and consider alternatives --
Prepare the process : plan how you will work and communicate with the other party --
Connect in advance : agree on the process and who's involved --
Begin the negotiation : establish how you'll work together --
Create and refine options : make the most of your time together --
Select the right outcome : narrow in on a workable solution and commit with care --
Continuously adapt your approach : be prepared to change course --
Align multiple parties : avoid inefficiency and chaos --
Tame the hard bargainer : shift the conversation --
When communication breaks down : build understanding --
When emotions get in the way : go from boiling to cool --
Wrap up the negotiation : know when you're done, and communicate the final decisions --
Review what happened : use "lessons learned" today for improvement tomorrow.

Forget about the hard bargain. Whether you're discussing the terms of a high-stakes deal, forming a key partnership, asking for a raise, or planning a family event, negotiating can be stressful. One person makes a demand, the other concedes a point. In the end, you settle on a sub par solution in the middle if you come to any agreement at all. But these discussions don't need to be win-or-lose situations. Written by negotiation expert Jeff Weiss, the "HBR Guide to Negotiating" provides a disciplined approach to finding a solution that works for everyone involved. Using a seven-part framework, this book delivers tips and advice to move you from a game of concessions and compromises to one of collaboration and creativity, resulting in better outcomes and better working relationships.



Negotiation in business

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