Pillot de Chenecey, Sean

The post-truth business : how to rebuild brand authenticity in a distrusting world Sean Pillot de Chenecey - London, United Kingdom : Kogan Page, c2019. - xii, 284 p. ; 22 cm.

Introduction: brands are built on trust -- Alternative facts and the war on truth -- Privacy as a human right -- and a tradable asset -- #skipad vs connections with meaning -- Conscious capitalism and brand activism -- Price, provenance and transparency -- Makers, innovators and outsiders -- Reputation capital and national branding -- The marketing of culture -- Truth, lies and advertising -- Summary: the post-truth brand manifesto -- References -- Index.

Brands are built on trust, but in a post-truth world, they're faced with a serious challenge: so much of modern life is defined by mistrust. A shattering of the vital trust connection between brands and consumers, together with the evaporation of authenticity as a core brand pillar, is causing enormous problems for businesses on a global scale. If a brand isn't seen as trustworthy, then when the choice is available it will be rejected in favor of one that is.



Brand name products
Branding (Marketing)

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