Woolfolk, Anita., 1947-

Educational psychology / Anita Woolfolk. - 12th ed. - Harlow : Pearson Education Limited : [distributor] Pearson Education Ltd : [distributor] United Book Distributors : [distributor] Pearson Holdings South Africa (PHSA), c2014. - ii, 692 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm.

Learning, teaching, and educational psychology -- Cognitive development -- The self, social,and moral development -- Learner differences and learning needs -- Language development, language diversity, and immigrant education -- Culture and diversity -- Behavioral views of learning -- Cognitive views of learning -- Complex cognitive processes -- The learning sciences and constructivism -- Social cognitive views of learning and motivation -- Motivation in learning and teaching -- Creating learning environments -- Teaching every student -- Classroom asssessment, grading, and standardized testing.


Educational psychology.
