Choudhry, Moorad

An introduction to banking : liquidity risk and asset-liability management / Moorad Choudhry - Chichester, UK : John Wiley & Sons, 2011. - xxi, 357 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Published in association with Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment.

An Introduction to Banking provides an introduction to liquidity risk management and asset-liability management. It begins with an overview of modern banking, the goals of a bank, how they operate, and how a breakdown in the banking system contributed to the crisis. Subsequent chapters introduce the fundamental workings of a bank and explore ALM and liquidity risk management in greater detail. As regulators move to enforce liquidity risk management in banks, and ongoing needs to better manage a bank's assets and liabilities, this book is a must-have reference for all finance practitioners.

9780470687253 0470687258


Banks and banking
Bank liquidity--Management
Asset-liability management
Risk management
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS -- Banks & Banking
