Fink, Arlene

How to conduct surveys : a step-by-step guide Arlene Fink - 6th ed. - Los Angeles : SAGE, c2017. - xix, 198 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

Conducting surveys: Everyone is doing it -- The survey form: Questions, scales, and appearance -- Getting it together: Some practical concerns -- Sampling -- Survey design: Environmental control -- Analyzing and organizing data from surveys -- Presenting the survey results.

How to Conduct Surveys guides readers through the process of developing their own surveys and evaluating the credibility and transparency of surveys created by others. Offering step-by-step advice, the book focuses on choosing the appropriate type of survey, writing survey questions and responses, formatting the survey, deciding on the characteristics and numbers of respondents to include, choosing how often to survey respondents, and analyzing and reporting the results.


Social surveys
Educational surveys
