Makori, Ezekiel Makori

Health and safety programmes at work place : influence of occupational health and safety on performance Ezekiel Makori Makori - Deutschland : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, c2012. - viii, 119 p. : ill., maps ; 22 cm.

Human resource managers are faced with crucial issues of occupational health and safety.Industries have work related accidents due to poorly designed plant and equipment inherent in the work environment.Work related diseases affect the performance of workers.It is against this background that health and safety should not be viewed as a separate function or responsibility but as a broader initiative that aims at improving productivity, profitability and competitiveness of a firm.This book,therefore,provides health and safety programmes that when put in place will positively affect the performance of firms.It highlights the hazards,causes of work accidents and illness,significance of health and safety,health and safety policies,safety committees,health and safety audits among others.


Health and Safety
Human Resource Managers