Fayers, Peter M.

Quality of life : the assessment, analysis and reporting of patient-reported outcomes / Peter M. Fayers and David Machin - 3rd ed. - Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2016. - xxi, 626 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

Principles of measurement scales -- Developing a questionnaire -- Scores and measurement : validity, reliability, sensibility -- Multi-item scales -- Factor analysis and structural equation modelling -- Item response theory and differential item functioning -- Item banks, item linking, and computer-adaptive tests -- Choosing and scoring questionnaires -- Clinical trials -- Samples sizes -- Cross-sectional analysis -- Exploring longitudinal data -- Modelling longitudinal data -- Missing data -- Practical and reporting issues -- Death and quality-adjusted survival -- Clinical interpretation -- Biased reporting and response shift -- Meta-analysis.

The analysis and interpretation of quality-of-life assessments relies on a variety of psychometric and statistical methods which are explained in this book in a non-technical way. The result is a practical guide that covers a wide range of methods and emphasizes the use of simple techniques that are illustrated with numerous examples, with extensive chapters covering qualitative and quantitative methods and the impact of guidelines. The material in this new third edition reflects current teaching methods and content widened to address continuing developments in item response theory, computer adaptive testing, analyses with missing data, analysis of ordinal data, systematic reviews and meta-analysis.



Outcome assessment (Medical care)
Quality of life--Research

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