Creswell, John W.

Qualitative inquiry and research design : choosing among five approaches John W. Creswell, Cheryl N. Poth - 4th ed. - Los Angeles : SAGE Publications, c2018. - xxv, 459 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Other Titles: Qualitative inquiry & research design

Introduction -- Philosophical assumptions and interpretive frameworks -- Designing a qualitative study --
Five qualitative approaches to inquiry --
Five different qualitative studies --
Introducing and focusing the study --
Data collection --
Data analysis and representation --
Writing a qualitative study --
Standards of validation and evaluation --
"Turning the story" and conclusion.

This bestseller explores the principles of each of five qualitative inquiry traditions: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography and case study. The Fourth Edition features more visual representations of the five approaches.


Social sciences--Methodology

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