Jaubert, Herve

Escape from Dubai Herve Jaubert - Great Britain : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016. - 342 p. ; 24 cm.

Herve Jaubert is a former french naval officer and marine engineer who served as a covert operative for the french secret service. In 2004, Dubai government offered a partnership to develop a submarine manufacturing company in Dubai. Unfortunately, due to a corrupt system and egomaniacal leaders, he became a scapegoat and victim of extortion, he was threatened with police torture, and eventually found himself under house arrest in Dubai with no passport. Using the skills he had developed as a spy for the counter espionage service, he escaped in 2008 in dinghy and sailed to India. Escape from Dubai is the real life account of his misadventures, from his first meeting with Dubai officials, to his lawsuit in Florida after Dubai officials found out he had escaped and was publishing his story.


Real life
Jaubert, Herve --Homes and haunts --United Arab Emirates--Dubai (Emirate)
Political prisoners--Personal narratives--United Arab Emirates--Dubayy (Emirate) -
French --Biography--United Arab Emirates--Dubai (Emirate)

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