Creswell, John W.

Designing and conducting mixed methods research / John W. Creswell - 3rd ed. - Los Angeles : SAGE, c2018. - xxvii, 492 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Revised edition of the authors' Designing and conducting mixed methods research, c2011.

The nature of mixed methods research -- The foundations of mixed methods research -- Core mixed methods designs -- Complex applications of core mixed methods designs -- Introducing a mixed methods study -- Collecting data in mixed methods research -- Analyzing and interpreting data in mixed methods research -- Writing and evaluating mixed methods research -- Advances in mixed methods research.

Combining the latest thinking about mixed methods research designs with practical, step-by-step guidance, the Third Edition now covers seven mixed methods designs, with accompanying journal articles in the back of the book illustrating each of these designs.


Social sciences--Research--Methodology
Research Design
Social Sciences--methods

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