Mosco, Vincent

The smart city in a digital world Vincent Mosco - Bingley, UK : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019. - xviii, 263 p. ; 18 cm. - SocietyNow . - SocietyNow .

The World is Urban --
How to Think About Smart Cities --
City of Technology: Where the Streets Are Paved with Data --
Who Governs? State-Driven Smart Cities --
Who Governs? Private Smart Cities --
Who Governs? Citizens --
The Urban Imaginary: Myths and Markets --
Whose Smart City?

This book looks at what makes a city smart by describing, challenging, and offering democratic alternatives to the view that the answer begins and ends with technology. Drawing on worldwide case studies documenting the redevelopment of old and the creation of new cities, it provides an essential guide to the future of urban life in a digital world.


Smart cities
Smart cities--Social aspects
Cities and towns--Effect of technological innovations on--Citizen participation

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