Investing in learning and development :

Otala, Leenamaija.

Investing in learning and development : IIP self-assessment work book / Leenamaija Otala, Kari Tuominen. - Finland : Benchmarking Ltd., 2005. - 106 p. : ; ill. ;. 21 cm. :

32 searching questions and contrasting pairs of examples.

What is Investors in People, IIP? Why do you need this book? The principles underlying this book What does self-assessment mean for an organisation? What can you gain? The EFQM Excellence Model Assessment criteria and sub-criteriaWhat does our example learning organisation believe in?Assessment instructionsAssessment criteria 1. Leadership 2. Policy and Strategy 3. People 4. Partnerships and resources 5. Processes 6. Customer results 7. People results 8. Society results 9. Key performance results About the Authors Appendices:Assessment using ChangeManager Pro software Self-assessment questions ChangeManager Pro Products.

Investors in People is both an international standard and an effective, practical tool for the continuous improvement of peoples competencies and skills to enable organisations to reach their objectives. The book tells the story of how an organisation has learned and developed along with the EFQM Excellence Model and investors in People standard.Every point of assessment is illustrated by comparing the way things were done in the past with how they are done according to the new model.The book helps you to understand the contents of the IIP standard and the EFQM Excellence Model and gives you insight into the principles of a learning, developing organisation. An organisation can use the book to assess its own learning and development practices and compare them with the examples, identify its own development needs and objectives. The examples in the book help the self evaluation participants to understand what each of the questions means. For every question, an evaluation is made of its importance, as well as its current and target performance capability, on a scale of 1 - 5. The book, questions and self-assessment can be adapted as a development tool and training material for the organisation even if the organisation does not adopt the EFQM Excellence Model or Investors in People standard.


Managing change.
Organisational change.