Continuing professional development :

Brine, Alan, 1967-

Continuing professional development : a guide for information professionals / Alan Brine. - Oxford : Chandos, c2005. - xi, 179 p ; ill. ;. 23 cm. :

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Summary: This book helps information professionals in their continuing professional development (CPD). The book shows them how to examine their own skills and plan their develoment over a period of time. It also helps them to focus on their career path and begin the acquisition of skills necessary for the route they wish to follow in information work. The book is set against the background of CPD being an essential part of the modern information professional's career planning. Employers are certain to be able to choose between a number of quaified personnel for every available post. Those individuals that have a proven track record of skills development in both their personal and professional skills are more employable. Key Features: 7Focuses on analysing skills and planning skills acquistion 7Helps the development of a portfolio for recording skills 7Shows how to create or find programmes for development 7Shows how to plot a path for a successful career The Author: The author is Library Systems and IT Manager at De Montfort University. Readership: Those both new to the information profession and those looking to develop their skills for the future. Will also guide employers in aspects of good practice. Contents Introduction - the individual's view; the employer's view. Skills, strengths and weaknesses - audit; analysis; training needs. Building a portfolio - recording; planning; reflection; sample recording mechanisms. Sources for development - the professional literature; tours and visits; professional bodies; specialist groups; workplace programmes; induction; staff development courses; formal qualifications; distance learning; research. Support - networks; professional bodies; mentoring; financial implications. Career planning - expanding your skills and your role.


Information science--Vocational guidance.
Career development.

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