Let go to grow :

Sanford, Linda S.

Let go to grow : escaping the commodity trap / Linda S. Sanford with Dave Taylor. - Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference, c2006. - xx, 202 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Grow to build profits, not just revenues -- Commodity markets defined -- It's all about components -- Creating business components -- Integrate your business components end to end -- Expand your growth space -- Liberate your cost structures -- From vision to results : the leadership agenda -- Achieving measurable productivity improvements -- Practical implementation of the component business model -- Gaining the collaborative edge : building the creative comany for the creative economy.

Learn how to provide information needed for growth in today's economy - for employees, managers, and customers - On Demand. - From business luminaries that have made - On Demand - a reality! - Readers learn how to go from a defensive, cost-dominated struggle, that is unpredictable and uncontrollable to a NEW environment where speed, flexibility, and adaptability are the possible. - Many case studies to clearly illustrate how to not only survive but grow today and in the future . . .



Strategic planning.
Business planning.

HD30.28 / .S265 2006
