Macdivitt, Harry.

Cambridge marketing handbook : pricing points / Harry Macdivitt. - London : KoganPage, c2013. - 220 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.

Pricing is an emotive and complex topic, demanding an understanding of a number of domains of business knowledge. In this handbook, the authors present practical information and tools to enable the reader to make important decisions knowledgeably and confidently, and to explain these decisions to colleagues.The material has a strong Value theme throughout as every pricing decision should be taken within the context of customer value. Across twelve chapters the handbook explores essential "baseline" knowledge of important theory including value, economics, accounting and segmentation. It covers conventional and novel approaches to pricing (competition, cost, value-based and dynamic methods) with contemporary illustrations from B2B, B2C and B2B2C. Real company examples throughout the book are drawn from global consulting practice with major enterprises and state of knowledge content from international conferences. Also contains worked examples including analyses of recent questions from CIM exam papers.



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