Davis, Uri

Apartheid Israel: possibilities for the struggle within Uri Davis - London ; New York : Zed Books, 2003. - 242 p. ; 23 cm.

Zionism -- Anti-Semitism and the holocaust -- Transfer and massacre -- The World Zionist Organization and its political goals -- Achieving the goals of political Zionism -- Regularizing the irregular: the regulation of apartheid in Israel -- The veiling of Israeli apartheid -- The case of the South African Forest, Golani Junction -- Israel -- The establishment of the State of Israel as a Jewish state -- Israel and the UN -- Who is a Jew and the question of Palestinian return -- Israeli-Palestinian dialogue -- 'The Female Snake' and 'The Taste of Mulberries', by Havah ha-Levi -- Israeli Apartheid -- Israel and South Africa: two forms of apartheid -- Jewish presence, Arab absence: registration of births, citizenship and residence -- Histadrut: continuity and change -- The case of Dr Sa'ad Murtada, First Egyptian Ambassador to Israel -- Political Repression in Israel -- Defence (Emergency) Regulations of 1945 -- The 1980 Knesset legislation -- The 2002 Knesset legislation -- Possibilities for the Struggle Within -- The defeat of the PLO in Oslo -- Assessing the danger of Palestinian defeat at the peace negotiations -- Israel's Zionist society -- The Zionist peace camp -- Kibbutz, moshav and community settlement: the masquerade -- The Movement Against Israeli Apartheid in Palestine (MAIAP) -- Who is a Hebrew? -- The story of Qatzir -- Vladimir Jabotinsky, 'The Iron Wall' (Excerpts) -- David Ben-Gurion: Statement of Introduction of the Law of Return Before the Knesset (Excerpts).

Uri Davis explores the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and charges that Israel has acted in blatant violation of most UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions, including amassing weapons of mass destruction in violation of international law. Based on his conclusions, Davis then debates whether Israel deserves its reputation in the West as the Middle East's democratic exception.



Palestinian Arabs--Civil rights--Israel


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