Elementary linear algebra

Prasad, Devi

Elementary linear algebra Devi Prasad - 3rd ed. - Oxford : Alpha Scienc International, c2016. - xii, various pagings ; ill. ; 25 cm.

Elementary Linear Algebra is a well-organized, lucidly written text, introducing readers to Matrices, Groups, Rings, Fields, System of linear equations, Computation of non-singular matrices and determinant value of a matrix , Vector spaces, Row reduction method of linear dependence and independence, Linear transformations, Eigen values, Eigen vectors, Kayley Hamilton Theorem of Eigen values, Eigen vectors, Inner Product spaces. In addition, the book presents the subject in a simple manner for easy understanding. A large number of illustrated examples are given to clarify the theoretical concepts with unsolved problems for practice to enhance the presentation of the material.


Algebras, Linear--Textbooks
Linear algebras