Dreyer, Lars

Options trading : strategies for eginners who want to make money with options trading Lars Dreyer - CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016. - 106 p. : 20 cm.

How would you like to leverage your portfolio and make very nice extra profits? People trading options do it every day, and you can, too. This book contains recommendations for beginning investors on how to determine an appropriate strategy for profitably trading in options. If you take advantage of the information herein and follow up with more education and training on the topic of options trading, you will be in a position to earn bigger profits in the stock market by trading options. The better you get at trading options, the more money you can make. We also point out that options trading is not risk-free. There are certain fundamentals that must be followed and the trader must keep abreast of the stock market and the options market in order to minimize the risk. This book is here to help you to make as much profit as possible by risking as little as possible.


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