Sieny, Mahmoud Esmail

Heroes of Islam / Mahmoud Esmail Sieny - Riyadh : Darussalam, c2000. - 324 p. ; 23 cm.

Muslims have no need to look for fictitious or mythical heroes, because their history is abundant with heroes of real flesh and blood, whose acts were heroic because of their faith, and a consequence of their attitude to life and the world. For all the heroes of Islam share two very special traits: full conviction and dedication to their pristine faith and constant attempt to seek the Pleasure of their Creator, Allah, alone, regardless of the circumstances and times they live in. For a Muslim hero, be he a military genius, a scholar teacher, or a devout common person, knows that the transient life in this world is a means to the eternal life in the Hereafter, and that ephemeral pains and pleasures are nothing compared to the everlasting pains and pleasures of Hell and Heaven. To this hero, the key to the whole thing is Divine Pleasure. Through it alone can a person enjoy peace and tranquility in this world and attain real happiness in the life Hereafter.



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