Commercial banking :
Gup, Benton E.
Commercial banking : the management of risk / Benton E. Gup ... [et. al.]. - [Australian ed.]. - Milton, Qld. : John Wiley & Sons Australia, 2007. - xiii, 583 p. : ill ; 25 cm.
Authorised adaptation of the 3rd. edition published by John Wiley & Sons, New York, c2005 and which is a revised of: Commercial banking / Donald R. Fraser. c2001.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
'... provides a comprehensive and practical introduction to bank management and to the current banking prctices used to control different kinds of risk ... Written in accordance with current APRA guidelines and regulatory requirements, this text looks beyond Australia to consider the effects on the banking sector of the international financial reporting standards and the new Basel II framework.' --Back cover.
9780470810729 0470810726 (pbk)
Banks and banking--Risk management--Textbooks.
Bank management--Textbooks.
Commercial banking : the management of risk / Benton E. Gup ... [et. al.]. - [Australian ed.]. - Milton, Qld. : John Wiley & Sons Australia, 2007. - xiii, 583 p. : ill ; 25 cm.
Authorised adaptation of the 3rd. edition published by John Wiley & Sons, New York, c2005 and which is a revised of: Commercial banking / Donald R. Fraser. c2001.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
'... provides a comprehensive and practical introduction to bank management and to the current banking prctices used to control different kinds of risk ... Written in accordance with current APRA guidelines and regulatory requirements, this text looks beyond Australia to consider the effects on the banking sector of the international financial reporting standards and the new Basel II framework.' --Back cover.
9780470810729 0470810726 (pbk)
Banks and banking--Risk management--Textbooks.
Bank management--Textbooks.