Mobile wireless middleware, operating systems and applications - workshops :

Mobile wireless middleware, operating systems and applications - workshops : Mobilware 2009 workshops, Berlin, Germany, April 2009 : revised selected papers / Mobileware 2009 Cristian Hesselman, Carlo Giannelli, eds. - Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2009. - xii, 150 p : ill ; 24 cm. - Lecture notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 12 1867-8211 ; . - Lecture notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics, and Telecommunications Engineering ; .

Papers from 4 workshops: Ubi-Islands 2009, the First International Workshop on Interconnecting Ubiquitous Islands Using Mobile and Next Generation Networks; WASP 2009, the First International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks Architectures, Simulation and Programming; UCPA 2009, the First International Workshop on User-Centric Pervasive Adaptation; BMMP 2009, the First International Workshop on Business Models for New Mobile Platforms.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

9783642035685 364203568X


Mobile computing.
Wireless communication systems.
Funknetz--Middleware--Betriebssystem--Berlin <2009>.--Kongress
Mobile Computing--Middleware--Systemplattform--Berlin <2009>.--Kongress
Mobile Computing--Serviceorientierte Architektur--Middleware--Berlin <2009>.--Kongress
