The handling complaints pocketbook /
Boden, Angelena.
The handling complaints pocketbook / Angelena Boden. - Alresford :. Management Pocketbooks, 2001. - iv, 105 p. : ; 11 cm. - The management pocketbook series .
This title looks at why people complain and how they go about it. Developing a strategy and policy for handling complaints is then described. This is followed by details of the techniques that can be used to turn complainants into loyal customers.
1870471911 £6.99
Customer relations.
Consumer complaints.
The handling complaints pocketbook / Angelena Boden. - Alresford :. Management Pocketbooks, 2001. - iv, 105 p. : ; 11 cm. - The management pocketbook series .
This title looks at why people complain and how they go about it. Developing a strategy and policy for handling complaints is then described. This is followed by details of the techniques that can be used to turn complainants into loyal customers.
1870471911 £6.99
Customer relations.
Consumer complaints.